An experienced and diverse Board better supports discussions on the strategic, operational and sustainability issues which affect the Company today or may do so in future.

The Board is collectively responsible for delivering the long term success of Deliveroo for the benefit of its shareholders and wider stakeholders. The specific activities undertaken by the Board are set out in its Matters Reserved which can be found here.

The roles of the Chair and CEO are clearly separated in accordance with the Schedule of Responsibilities approved by the Board which can be found here. The Directors are appointed by the Board and are subject to annual re-election by shareholders at the Company’s AGM.

The Board is supported in its activities by a number of committees each of which has clear Terms of Reference setting out the responsibilities delegated to them as set out below.

Title Download
Audit and Risk Commitee - Terms of Reference PDF

Nomination Committee - Terms of Reference


Remuneration Committee - Terms of Reference


Market Disclosure Committee - Terms of Reference


Section 172 statement

The Board recognises that our business and our behaviours impact our consumers, riders, merchants, employees, investors and other stakeholders.

As directors of Deliveroo, we must act in accordance with a set of general duties which are set out in s172 of the Companies Act 2006 and, in doing so, seek to consider the interests of our stakeholders when reaching decisions.

The s172 statement for Deliveroo plc is located in the Strategic Report section of the Company’s Annual Report and Accounts.


UK Subsidiary Disclosures
The Directors of the Deliveroo UK subsidiaries follow Deliveroo plc's corporate governance arrangements and also exercise their duties while having regard to the factors set out in Section 172 of the Companies Act 2006. How the Directors of our UK subsidiaries have discharged their duty to, amongst other things, promote the success of each company, we have set out the disclosures made by our UK subsidiaries in pursuance of the Section 172, Companies Act 2006 reporting obligations here

The Executive Team

Execution of the Group’s strategy and the day-to-day management of the Company’s activities are delegated to the Executive Directors with the support of the Executive Team. Members of the Executive Team and other senior managers from across the business are regularly invited to present at Board meetings and engage in debate on specific matters about which the Board may require greater insight.

Corporate Governance Information

Related Information and Policies relating to Corporate Governance: